The story starts here. At the end of each section simply click on "to next section" to continue reading.
A year in the making, this story started out more or less as a dare. Perhaps a "rise to a challenge" is a better term. Originally meant to be just a short story, it eventually developed into something bigger. For me it was an exercise in creativity to see if I could develop interesting characters and a create a story with a little substance--something more than just a sexual fantasy. Fan fiction just ended up being the genre in which I decided to test the waters, I guess.
Regardless of how it happened, a lot of terrific people came along for the ride, some just because they are fans of the man and the band, but others because they actually started to care for the characters and the story. Thanks to everyone who shared feedback and thoughts. You made it a fun experience.
The "soundtrack" to the story is available here.
An archive is available at the right of the page, but it is a little weird to navigate. To read any chapter: Click on the ARROWS to get drop-down menus. If you click on the month, you'll get all posts for that month in descending order; kind of hard to read. Same thing if you click on the year--you get ALL posts for the year, in descending order. If you click on the arrow first, then on the specific chapter, you'll get a single page.